Hello from rural Hawaii. As St. Patrick's Day approaches, I'm crossing my fingers for some good fortune to come our way in the form of exciting new travel assignments. I’m embracing the spirit of luck and keeping my eyes peeled for upcoming opportunities to help you claim your pot of gold. 😜

What's happening in the market?
We’ve seen the market getting a little tighter with some specialties getting a bit more difficult to fill.
Demand for nurses is still high – it’s only a matter of time before more positions will come available.
Average RN Rates for 36 hours a week we're seeing continue to stay in the $1700-$2300 range with 48 hours making upwards of $3200 depending on specialty. There are of course outliers but these are typical.
PCU, Medsurg, and Telemetry are still the most in demand and in some cases, highest paying, RN postions.
Toughest Specialties continue to be: Peds, NICU/PICU, Postpartum
Still seeing more OR and ER opening up
Currently seeing start dates through the end of April.
How Can I Combat the Current Market?
We recently put out a video on the market and ways to overcome it. You can check it out here:
Check out these HOT locations for Spring and Summer: (Swipe for more)
Have you Joined Team NOP on Facebook yet?
We post new jobs, funny memes, tips/advice and general shenanigans over on our team NOP Facebook group. If you haven’t joined yet, we’d love to have you. ❤ Join here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/jointeamnop
